Tweet Share Share Email Sleep Resolutions You Can Keep All Year The start of the new year is a perfect time to make resolutions so you’ll have a happy and prosperous 2019. While many resolutions aren’t kept past February, we have suggested sleep resolutions in hopes of maintaining year-round. While many people vow to eat healthily and go to the gym daily, sleep is often forgotten but should be at the top of your list of resolutions. Explore these sleep resolutions to maintain through 2019 and beyond. 1. Make this year about you! Take some time to create a peaceful night routine for yourself. Meditate, take a bubble bath, do yoga, read a book, or practice deep breathing exercises. Make this relaxing time all about you. Happiness and peacefulness will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Everyone deserves a relaxing evening after a long day working, taking care of kids, or studying for classes. 2. Ditch late night TV and social media. All right we’ll admit it, we enjoy catching up on our favorite TV series and scrolling through our social media accounts at the end of the day. Who doesn’t? Unfortunately, the blue light can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule and keep you up at night. Artificial lights send a signal to your brain that it is still daytime and will encourage you to stay awake. This year, vow to turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes before you go to bed. Refer to the resolutions listed above and opt for reading a book or partaking in another relaxing activity instead of binge-watching your favorite shows. 3. Sleep on a comfortable mattress with a proper amount of support. This is a resolution we are more than happy to help you with! With our RightFIT technology, we are able to scientifically measure the pressure points in your body to help you determine the level of comfort you need in a mattress. Our diagnostic technology will tell us if you need a firm or soft bed, and we’ll match you up with a mattress that will ensure a restorative night’s sleep. 4. Stick to the same bedtime routine nightly. Having a consistent bedtime routine will create healthy sleep habits. This is a resolution the whole family can be involved with, too. Part of creating this routine is practicing going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends. This will help you get those precious eight hours of sleep you need as an adult, and ten hours for your kiddos. new yearresolutionssleep goals Related Posts View Post The Secrets of Mattress Shopping Buying a mattress is not for the uninformed. With so many brands and sleep systems… View Post Busting Common Mattress Myths Fact: We use our bed more than any other piece of furniture. This is why… View Post Free White Noise Downloads Canton Becker's website provides white noise and soft music in MP3 format. Each noise recording…
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