Factory Mattress 10th Annual Season For Caring

Factory Mattress 10th Annual Season for Caring

For the 10th year in a row, Factory Mattress has gone above and beyond to help support the local community by donating new mattress sets to the Statesman Season for Caring program.

Each year the Season for Caring program focuses on helping 12 families nominated by local nonprofits by sharing their stories with readers who then provide donations to help these families get the basic necessities we all take for granted. They are living in cramped campers, mobile homes with patched-together flooring, motel rooms with roaches, homes with no access to the shower. They are in shelters or living with friends. They have medications they can no longer afford. Some families are trying to end a cycle of abuse. Some have sought a new life after war in their homelands.

This year alone, Factory Mattress donated 43 beds worth over $25,000 to these families, ensuring every member has a safe and suitable place to sleep this holiday season. Since 2010, Factory Mattress has donated over $177,000 worth of beds to the Statesman’s annual charity program.

“We’re locally, family owned,” says Stephen Frey Jr., president of Factory Mattress. “It is home. That’s why it’s important to us. Any way we can give back and help those in need, we’ll do anything within our power.”


To read more about the impact Factory Mattress’s donations have made this year, click here.


More info about our extensive community involvement programs can be found here.


Image courtesy of Nick Wager & American-Statesman