Tweet Share Share Email Lucid Dreaming – Pros & Cons Have you heard about lucid dreaming but not sure what it is or what it does? We break it all down below – find out how lucid dreaming works, how you can try it, and the pros and cons of practicing it. What Is Lucid Dreaming? In layman’s terms, lucid dreaming is being aware that you are in a dream. As you are aware of your dreams with lucid dreaming, you can control the narrative or story of your dreams, and explore them with a sense of reality. Lucid Dreaming usually occurs during the 4th stage of sleep, also known as the hybrid sleep awake state. Lucid dreaming was first discovered in the 1900s, but full details are still unknown about it. It’s not something that just anyone can do either. Only about 20% of people have mastered the art of lucid dreaming. Tips For Lucid Dreaming An important part of lucid dreaming is knowing how to wake up from it. It’s hard to get out of a dream instantly, so there’s a variety of techniques & tips to use to properly wake up. You can remind yourself that it’s time to wake up, blink repeatedly, or trying to read something within your dream could help you wake up sooner, Pros of Lucid Dreaming Although the full details of lucid dreaming are still unknown, there are several known benefits to practicing this art. For starters, lucid dreaming can help you overcome fears & nightmares. With the added control you have of your dreams in a lucid state, it can help you overcome issues with things like depression or PTSD. Lucid dreaming can also relief anxiety. Since you’re aware you’re in a dream and it doesn’t exist in reality, this can relax your mind and help you overcome situations that increase your axiety. It’s also said that lucid dreaming enhances your creativity, as it sharpens your mind and helps keep it open for imagination. When you can control a dream, you can get creative since you are the narrator, allowing you to amp up your visualization skills. Cons of Lucid Dreaming The pros of lucid dreaming outweigh the drawbacks, but it’s still important to be aware of them, especially if you practice lucid dreaming regularly. If you practice it too much, it could result in sleep issues like insomnia, a stage in which you struggle to fall fully asleep. In summary, lucid dreaming takes lots of practice in order to master it, but exercising caution is in your best interest. Related Posts View Post The Secrets of Mattress Shopping Buying a mattress is not for the uninformed. With so many brands and sleep systems… View Post Busting Common Mattress Myths Fact: We use our bed more than any other piece of furniture. This is why… View Post Free White Noise Downloads Canton Becker's website provides white noise and soft music in MP3 format. Each noise recording…
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