Ways To De-Stress While Working At Home

Ways to De-Stress While Working at Home

Though working from home may seem fun & relaxing, it can be a stressful experience. While most of us are working from home during quarantine, stress can arise from a lack of rhythm, focus, or having too many distractions. Here are a few ways to reduce your stress levels while working from home.

Make a Comfortable & Organized Workspace

Having a workspace that allows you to maintain focus and stay comfortable in for 8+ hours a day is highly important. If possible, have your workspace be separate area or room from personal areas of the house to optimize your focus zone & minimize distractions.

Another area that can cause extra stress is if your workspace is unorganized. Having a cleaner, more organized desk can reduce your stress. Take away anything that doesn’t relate to your work or current projects, this will make it easier to concentrate on the tasks at hand. Maintain a safe workspace by having hand sanitizer near your desk to keep hands clean & sanitary at all times.

Separate Your Communication Channels

Working from home will certainly increase the amount of virtual interactions & communications with coworkers & clients alike. Having multiple online channels of communication can become overwhelming & increase stress.

Try designating specific times to check & respond to emails. Block off time to get a specific task or project done & disable instant messages during this time so you can pinpoint your focus. Finally, make a commitment not to go through work emails late at night!

Take A Break!

Just like you should do in the office, you should take small breaks from working throughout the day at home. Take a few minutes every hour to stand up, stretch your legs & rest your eyes. For a longer break, try a relaxing meditation, a light yoga session or take a walk around your neighborhood block to get your blood flow moving and your stress levels down.

Instead of opting for a bag of chips or more coffee on a break, encourage yourself to go for healthier snacks and trade in another cup of Joe for tea. This will help keep your energy levels up without having a crash or a feeling of over-indulgence later. 

Protect Your Sleep

 Finally – ensure you’re getting enough sleep & high quality sleep! Having a bad night of sleep can overflow into your next day. Having a great night’s sleep will have you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Just like when working at the office, try to stick to a bedtime schedule during the week, and avoid screens or blue light 30mins – 1hr before bed. If you have trouble falling asleep, try a sleep aid tea or melatonin to help your body relax before you snooze. Having a colder nighttime climate in your bedroom also helps you sleep better & stay relaxed all through the night.

If your current mattress doesn’t seem to be providing the comfort & sleep you need, it may be time for a new mattress. If you’re ready to upgrade your sleep experience – try our comprehensive sleep quiz to find your perfect mattress!


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