Factory Mattress & SAFE Team Up For A Personal Care Drive


Factory Mattress is honored to team up with The SAFE Alliance in a personal care drive to collect toiletries in efforts to fill the needs of many community members that they serve. Essential daily items such as soap and shampoo are one of the largest expenses at SAFE. The community’s help is vital in providing these items for the men, women, and children that they serve.

Taking that first step in leaving an abusive situation can be difficult. People who are abused are scared to leave because of the unknowns. What will happen to me? Where will I go? Where will I sleep? Many do not have money of their own or a place to sleep or clean up.

There is a loss of dignity when you leave your home and an overwhelming sense of starting over. To take a shower is often considered a necessity but for some it is a luxury. Many people who arrive at SAFE only come with the clothing on their back. They can’t always afford to purchase “necessities” such as soap, shampoo, diapers or baby wipes. According to SAFE, “we go through over 150 deodorant sticks, 300 toothbrushes, and 400 bottles of shampoo in a one-month period. Your support with this drive will free up valuable dollars that will go back into programming and services for survivors of abuse.”

Fill a pillowcase with unopened toiletries and receive 5% off your purchase at an Austin area Factory Mattress plus we’ll donate a pillow for each donated pillowcase. All donations go to The SAFE Alliance. Pillowcases with unopened toiletry items can be donated at an Austin Factory Mattress near you during the entire month of March.

Fill up your pillowcases with these items:
• Baby wipes
• Shampoo
• Conditioner
• Soap
• Deodorant
• Feminine hygiene products
• African-American hair care products
• Lotion
• Combs and brushes
• Toothbrushes
• Toothpaste
• Razors
• Shaving cream
• Face wash